Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Effects Of Global Warming On The World - 1240 Words

In truth, before taking this class I never really cared about the environment, sure I would hear the occasional uproar about the effects of global warming or the growing hole in the ozone layer, however, it was always a non-factor. My passion has always been humans, their problems were my problems and I am always looking for a way to make their lives better. So, the planet may have been dying the ice caps may have been melting, however I always believed that one day humans would solve the problems we had created. So whenever anyone mentioned the damage we had done and continue to do, I always shake it off. However, after taking this class, I now realize how important the environment is to human life, for this a future generation. Modernity†¦show more content†¦However, over time, industrialization would have a dangerous effect on the world’s environment. During the Industrial Revolution would see an increase I environmental pollution, as new sources of fuel was burned such as coal, which fueled factory furnaces, machinery, and steam engines. (Glover 200). As the years continued countries such as Spain, the U.S and the rest of the west would begin to Industrialize, and the increase in pollution would grow exponentially. The movement from an agrarian-urban pattern of life to industrialize city and towns. A blanket of smoke would fill the air, composed of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other harmful substances. Today, nearly  ¾ of the world, countries are industrialized and with new discovery in oil and a booming consumer demand that requires more goods produced at faster rates, industrialization has created more carbon emissions than the trees and oceans can absorb and the consequences of this is global warming, according to the text Patterns of World History â€Å"Until about the last quarter of the twentieth century the carbon footprint of these countries had risen from 280 parts per million (ppm) pounds---commonly called â€Å"greenhouse gas es†Ã¢â‚¬â€to 330 ppm. Between 1975 and 2010 the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere climbed to 380ppm.† (Sivers, et. al., 1134) Showing that through the emissions of these gases the world is getting hotter. The consequences of a hotter world are changing

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